Animated Gif files have been the butt of many jokes within the design community. That is because animated gifs are famous for being a bit cheesy and notorious for cluttering up a page.
Create an Animated Banner Ad in Photoshop CS5
Animated Gif files have been the butt of many jokes within the design community. That is because animated gifs are famous for being a bit cheesy and notorious for cluttering up a page. Used properly however, animation can draw interest to an otherwise overlooked area of a page. Today, we will demonstrate how to use Photoshop to create an animated gif in Photoshop CS5. Let’s get started!
Create 3D type art using Photoshop CS5
The new 3D tools in Photoshop CS5 are more advanced than ever. In this tutorial we will use the new Repoussé tool to extrude some text in a way previously only possible in a full 3D application.
3D Water Text Effect with Repoussé in Photoshop CS5
Last year I wrote a tutorial called Incredibly Realistic Water Text in Cinema 4D and Photoshop where I created a text made out of water. I had to use Cinema 4D to create a 3D object then I imported this 3D file in Photoshop where I mixed with some stock photos. Now with Photoshop CS5 Extended and the Repoussé tool we can create 3D objects direct in Photoshop, so I decided to recreate that effect.
Playing with Inflate in Repoussé in Photoshop CS5 Extended
Adobe has just released the CS5 family and you can download the trials including the new Photoshop CS5 Extended. With this new version we have the Repoussé feature which allows us to create 3D objects in Photoshop. The last tutorial I showed you how to create a simple extruded text, now in this tutorial I will show you the Inflate option in Repoussé.